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How Can Staying At Home Also Keep You Active?

How Can Staying At Home Also Keep You Active?

Health or better say good health, is must for everyone. Although this pandemic spread situation is becoming more worse to handle day by day, but it has made us realize how important it is to keep ourselves healthy and fit, to build a strong immunity. Remember a good immunity develops the power to combat this deadly viruses like COVID-19.

Good health simply means a balanced diet that includes proper amount of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and equally good amounts of exercise be it in any form either physical or mental activity. When it comes to choose options for keeping oneself physically active, people usually opt for expensive gym memberships or Zumba classes, strolls in the garden, or jogging in parks. This routine is normal for them in normal days, but in days of pandemic like COVID-19, it becomes difficult for them to keep themselves physically fit while staying at home.

However, it is necessary for people to stay active while they stay at home. They must look for ways to be active at home all day, to prevent themselves from being lethargic and yet stay healthy and safe.

Why it is necessary to stay active when you stay at home? 

Staying active hits your health positively. It improves the quality of your life and keep you energized whole day. Staying active improves your focus and thinking ability, and overall contributes to preventing you from any kind of infections or chronic life-threatening diseases.

Staying active and fit, surround you with all positive vibes, and keeps the negativity all away from you, which clearly lead you on the track of a healthy, stress-free and disease free-life. 

There are many benefits of keeping yourself physically fit and active like:

  1. A balanced weight as per your height, that means no obesity.
  2. No obesity means no cholesterol, no cholesterol means no blood pressure.
  3. Reduction in the risk of heart attacks
  4. Lower risk of type 2 diabetes
  5. Loss of stress
  6. A good weight management means no muscle and joint pain, lowered risk of arthritis, and rheumatoid.  
  7. Lowered risk of developing cancers.

How to stay active while staying at home? 

Our home means our most favorite comfort zone, where we have all kind of freedom, we can eat a lot, we can sleep a lot, we can watch TV a lot. We do everything a lot but when it comes about physical activity, we do nothing at all.

Taking your home as your comfort zone can be a good idea when you spend a little time, but if you continue your behavior in condition when you have to spend your all day at home, it will make you lethargy.

So, to maintain overall good health as well as a positive atmosphere within the house, it is very important for people to know how to convert their comfort zone into a place that can help them keep fit and healthy.

Here are some tips that you can follow to keep yourself active while staying at home:

Waking Up Early

In normal days, we stay at home for the whole day on weekends, and we generally woke up late in our weekends. But when people must stay at home all day, they must bring the change in their sleeping habit. You must have heard about a proverb, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

Proverb are not only meant to be learned; they are meant to be applied in our daily life. Starting your day early whilst watching the sunrise, can not only add some discipline in your routine but also keep you energized throughout the day.

Yoga or Exercise: Must Part of One’s Routine

Not while you stay at home but even in your normal days, you should make yoga or physical exercise an important part of your daily routine. Physical exercise can be any form, be it any dance form, gym, aerobic classes, or any other, but when you are at home, you can prefer doing Yoga Asanas. It keeps you active and energized, improves your flexibility and concentration and is the best routine that tells you how to keep fit and healthy at home.

Standing Up While Doing Most Jobs

Standing position has been found to burn more calories than sitting position and is also great for your back and overall posture. So basically, activities like standing up while watching TV or cutting vegetables in the kitchen, shaving, washing your face, etc. can help you burn calories, increase blood circulation and keep you more active.

Cleaning Your House

Most of the people have maid in their houses to perform the job of house cleaning. Normally people prefer to keep a maid when they are working professionals and they have no time for cleaning the house. But in this pandemic, you are at home, and after you have plenty of time, you can involve yourself in the job of house cleaning along with your maid. You must know that a good exercise that involves a variety of muscle activities and can burn up to 80-100 calories for every 30 minutes spent.

Play Mind Enriching Games

Keeping yourself fit is necessary but keeping your mind active is also. You can prefer playing mind games, like crossword puzzles, sudokus, quizzes, Rubik’s cube, chess, and many others in your weekends or in your family time. These can help you keep your mind alert, active and improve your memory. Playing these games with your children will have dual benefits, you can improve your child’s memory along with yours.

Last but not the least, it is you who can bring any change you want in your life, only you must make up your mind for that. You must understand the essence physical or mental activity and implement the above tips in your routine to remain fit and active without even having to move out of the house.

Thank you. 

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