Its’ Saturday, today and Sunday tomorrow! Yeah! Weekend is here! Many of you might be planning your weekends, but wait you need to check your weekend routine, is it filled with energetic and positive things or not?
Yes, many of us on weekends are the super lazy creature. We love waking up late on weekends, we usually miss our regular exercise routine with the excuse that “aaj to Sunday hai”! And, and the biggest theory about weekends we have, these are the days to eat a lot!
Often, those who “live for the weekend” don’t actually get to enjoy their 48 hours of off-work duties because we think we need to either turn our brains off for hours on end in front of the TV or go the other way and pack our weekends full of to-do lists and tasks that end up tiring us out by Sunday night.
Well, every individual has their own ways and plans to spend their weekends, but if we ask the experts, they say if you plan your weekends happy and healthy, then the coming weekdays is full of positivity, energy, and enthusiasm.
Now the question how to plan a happy and healthy weekend!
Here we are sharing some ideas and tips that will help you plan happy and healthy weekend. And we promise you will feel happy and rejuvenated once Monday morning rolls back around.
Just 10 Minutes Of Morning For Yourself…..
The best thing about the weekend is there is no screeching sound of alarm to disturb your peaceful sleep in the morning, and you can sleep a little long. Well, experts say no matter what time you are waking up on weekend morning be it 6 AM or 8 AM, what you need to do is, take just 10 minutes to stay in bed.
Try to clear your mind and not think about the day ahead… just take the time to think of things you are grateful for, or things that make you happy. Starting your day with 10 minutes of quiet, peaceful reflection in bed can set the tone for the rest of the day. Take advantage of that time when you can.
Rejuvenate Yourself With A Powerhouse Breakfast….
In our weekdays, we rarely have time to sit and have breakfast, and we often skip it! So, what you need to do on weekends is, sit down and eat a hot breakfast. While you eat, only eat, not in front of the TV or computer, or when you are doing 5 other things.
This weekend cook a hot meal in the morning. Sit down and take your time enjoying it, savoring the food and the goodness, without doing anything else.
Schedule Some Chore Time….
Yes, there are definitely some chores that will need to get done on a weekend. Grocery shopping, some laundry, maybe yard work or cleaning the bathroom. Whatever it is, though, don’t try to get everything done in one or two days, otherwise you won’t have time for anything else.
So, on Saturday morning (or Friday night), schedule 2-3 hours for the weekend to focus on your chores. That could be all on the Saturday or split between Saturday and Sunday. Think about the highest priority items and tackle them in that chore time.
When chore time is over, don’t push yourself to keep going. Actually stop, as if it was a meeting, and be thankful for what you accomplished in that time. You can schedule your left chores on separate days, like cleaning your bathroom on Monday night, or vacuuming Tuesday night.
Unplug Yourself From Electronic World….
From Monday to Friday, we are constantly bombarded by electronics—our computers at work, our phones for social media and calls, TV at night, iPads and tablets in bed… it never seems to end.
This constant stimulation keeps your brain going all the time and makes it difficult for your body to shut down and relax… especially if you are doing these things right before bed. There is also a new phenomenon called Digital Eye Burn that can happen from the light these electronics give off.
Give your mind, eyes, and nerves a break by totally unplugging this weekend. If the whole weekend is hard, do it for a few hours
You’ll be surprised how liberated and free you feel after just a few hours. Try extending this each weekend to see if you can go a full 48 hours without these gadgets to give your body a true electronic detox!
Rejuvenate Yourself With Vitamin G….
Green space, that is. Getting out into nature and soaking up its goodness has soooo many benefits, from clearing your mind to boosting your mood to detoxing your body through movement and sweat.
As part of the challenge to unplug from digital gadgets, find some green space outside and go for a walk, meditate in the park, or do anything you can to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors. It’s amazing what even an hour can do for your mental, physical, and emotional health. And yes, this should be time without your electronics!
Be Present At Whatever You Do….
Finally, the last time just be present. Whatever you’re doing, whether you are relaxing by yourself in nature, enjoying your hobby-time, or socializing with friends, just be mindful of that time.
Try not to think ahead to what’s coming next or about something that happened in your week. Take a few deep breaths, focus your attention on the moment, and just enjoy. You will never have this moment again. Live in every second of it.
Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! Enjoy Your Weekend!
Thank you!
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